Join us for a retreat on Death in Oakland on Sunday, October 27, 2019, 10am-5:00pm as part of Reimagine End of Life.
We will combine guided mindfulness retreat practice, structured self-reflection time (writing & art), and group sharing to support the grief process, honoring of our beloved dead and ancestors, and sharing resources to prepare for discussions with our families and communities. Folks who have experienced deaths of loved ones by suicide, murder, and accidents are welcome.
With her “Conversations about Death” workshop, Eleni courageously approached a subject that few dare to even think about. This raw and honest experience made my heart open and helped me be present with the thoughts and emotions of myself and the other participants. -Anonymous
Space will be limited. Vegan gluten-free organic soup & chai will be provided. Please bring other lunch items & snacks to share.
TO REGISTER: Contact Eleni: